However, when a relationship becomes the source of pain, sadness, depression and hurtfulness, then it is worth leaving.
There is no need to hold on to a relationship which only gives you pain and makes your life miserable.
So here are the best 5 tips on how to get over an emotionally abusive relationship.
1) Your partner is not your soul mate
One of the main reasons people keep themselves in an emotionally abusive relationship is that they believe that their partner is their soulmate.
They believe that their soulmate is the best person and the only one made for them.
By thinking this, you won’t be able to leave that abusive relationship.
Believe me, if your partner were your soulmate, then you wouldn’t have tried to get out of a relationship with them.
Someone else is made for you – not your abusive partner.
2) Pain is not a necessity of love
There are lots of people who believe that pain is a necessity of love. However, I’m not saying that you won’t get pain from a romantic relationship. Yet, you are not experiencing love if your relationship is defined by pain.
Pain is not necessary for romance.
3) Understand what you want out of a relationship
People fall in love with someone when the other person seems to fit their love map. And people develop their love map based on their failures, wants, past experience with relationships, and many other things.
One of the main reasons people fall in love with someone is their failures. It might seem strange, but failures of life change the love map of a person to a great extent.
A guy who had a bad relationship with a brunette might not want to date any brunette in future. A girl who hates her bald father might decide that her partner must not be bald.
A guy who never had success with blondes might develop a strong desire for a blonde partner.
Your failures might be a big reason why you chose your ex as a relationship partner. You might have wanted to heal your ego by being with your ex.
You must know what you want out of a relationship. Then try to get those things without a relationship.
For example, if you fall in love with your ex because he was the one who always justified your failures, then you just need to find someone else, such as a friend or family member, who can help you heal from your failures.
If you fell in love with your partner because she always made you feel worthy, then you just need to find some else who can make you feel worthy.
If you do this, leaving that emotionally abusive relationship will be a piece of cake for you.
4) Develop skills to flirt with the opposite sex
One of the main reasons people stay in emotionally abusive relationships is that they believe that they are not UP TO STANDARDS.
There is the belief that if they lose their abusive partner, they won’t get someone else.
They falsely believe that the only attractive person from the opposite sex they can date is their abusive partner.
This is the main thought which prevents them from leaving the relationship.
So how can you solve this situation?
Well, you just need to develop dating skills. If you believe that you are not good enough to talk to the opposite sex, then learn how and develop your deficient skills.
If you believe that you can attract someone better than your abusive partner, then make efforts to develop skills to attract the opposite sex. That’s it.
When you become 100% sure that you can attract someone far better than your abusive partner, you will not have any problem with leaving them.
5) Leave it, that’s it
Want to get yourself out of an emotionally abusive relationship? Then just leave it.
The situation will not improve. You have to have some courage to leave that abusive relationship. No one on earth will be able to help you unless you want to help yourself.
If you are afraid that your partner might become physically abusive when he knows about your decision, then don’t be afraid to call the police. Leave your relationship.
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